quarta-feira, 20 de junho de 2018


Refugiados, um poema (via) de Adam Zagajewski, Prémio Princesa das Astúrias de Literatura 2017. A Tinta da China editou pela primeira vez em Portugal uma antologia bilingue da sua poesia, Sombras de Sombras


bent under burdens which sometimes
can be seen and sometimes can’t,
they trudge through mud or desert sands,
hunched, hungry,
silent men in heavy jackets,
dressed for all four seasons,
old women with crumpled faces,
clutching something – a child, the family
lamp, the last loaf of bread?
It could be Bosnia today,
Poland in September ’39, France
eight months later, Germany in ’45,
Somalia, Afghanistan, Egypt.
There’s always a wagon or at least a wheelbarrow
full of treasures (a quilt, a silver cup,
the fading scent of home),
a car out of gas marooned in a ditch,
a horse (soon left behind), snow, a lot of snow,
too much snow, too much sun, too much rain,
and always that special slouch
as if leaning toward another, better planet,
with less ambitious generals,
less snow, less wind, fewer cannons,
less History (alas, there’s no
such planet, just that slouch).
Shuffling their feet,
they move slowly, very slowly
toward the country of nowhere,
and the city of no one
on the river of never.

Colocar-se no lugar do outro

No Dia Mundial do Refugiado, deixo 5 sugestões de leitura. Porque, sobretudo em tempos de barbárie, a literatura oferece-nos a possibilidade de nos colocarmos no lugar do outro e de nos questionarmos: "E se fosse eu?", a meu ver, algo fulcral nos dias de hoje.

Il Viaggio, Francesca Sanna, Emme Edizioni.

Quando Hitler roubou o coelho cor-de-rosa, Judith Kerr, trad. e prefácio Carla Maia de Almeida, Booksmile.

O mundo em que vivi, Ilse Losa, Edições Afrontamento.

Eu sou Malala, Malala Yousafzai com Patricia McCormick, Editorial Presença. 

O rapaz que contava histórias, Zana Fraillon, TopSeller.

Todos estes livros fazem parte da biblioteca do projeto OFICINA DE LEITURA E ESCRITA.